
星座解析- 2023-07-31 12:03:28

The Other Names for Pisces: A Look into the Mystical Fish

Pisces, also known as the Fish, is one of the twelve astrological signs widely celebrated around the world. Its symbol, two fish 【更多相关资讯请访问wWw.555666111.COm>隆源星座】swimming in opposite directions, represents the dualistic nature and the rich depths of its personality. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the god of the sea, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, making it a sign that's often associated with deep intuition, creative imagination, and spiritual sensitivity. But did you know that Pisces has many other names and interpretations across different cultures and languages?

In Spanish and Portuguese, Pisces is called Piscis, or Peixes, which means "fish" in both languages. In French, it's Poisson, and in Italian, it's Pesci. All of these versions reflect the aquatic theme of Pisces and how it's linked to the element of water. Water is known to be a symbol of emotion, the unconscious, and the divine feminine, and it's often associated with the power of regeneration and transformation. These traits make Pisces a sign of great emotional depth, artistic expression, and spiritual insight.

In Chinese astrology, Pisces is not recognized as a sign in itself, but some astrologers associate it with the zodiac sign of the Rabbit. The Rabbit is seen as a gentle, compassionate, and intuitive animal that values peace, beauty, and harmony. This aligns well with Pisces' traits of sensitivity, empathy, and artistic flair. However, the Rabbit isn't linked to water or the sea, so this interpretation diverges from the traditional symbolism of Pisces.

In Vedic astrology, which is popular in India and other parts of Asia, Pisces is known as Meena, which means "fish" in Sanskrit. Meena is associated with the Hindu gods Vishnu and Shiva and is said to represent the infinite and the eternal. Meena is also linked to the twelfth house, which is the house of spirituality, dreams, and hidden sources of power. People born under Meena are believed to be creative, intuitive, and compassionate, but also prone to confusion, escapism, and self-doubt.

Apart from these variations, Pisces has also been associated with other animals and creatures in folklore and mythology. In ancient Egypt, Pisces was linked to the Ba, a bird that symbolizes the soul and the journey to the afterlife. In Norse mythology, Pisces was seen as the lost ship of the goddess Freyja, the symbol of love and fertility. In Native American culture, Pisces was connected to the otter, an animal that represents playfulness, joy, and healing. All of these interpretations add more layers of meaning to Pisces' complex and multifaceted persona.

In conclusion, Pisces is a sign with many names and nuances, reflecting its rich symbolism and its diverse cultural roots. Whether you call it Piscis, Poisson, Peixes, Meena, or simply Fish, Pisces remains a sign of great beauty, depth, and mystery. If you were born under this sign, embrace your emotional sensitivity, your artistic talents, and your spiritual insights. And remember, just like the Fish, you have the power to swim in any direction you choose, and to explore the vastness of the ocean of life.

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